Big CleanUp for Scouting - SPRING ECO DAY for Earth Day


SPRING ECO DAY 2021 was a SUCCESS for Scouting in Denver.

Last weekend was the SPRING ECO DAY Clean up event
sponsored by the Alpine District in Colorado. The consideration, planning, and
participation of the Activities Committee members made this a
successful event!

First of all, we want to thank the Scouts and the committee for making a difference in Scouting and in the community! Not sure if you made a difference? It is an accumulation of small acts of consideration and contributions that make a large event/activity successful.

The Alpine District sponsored a successful SPRING ECO DAY 2021 with
the purpose of cleaning up the local waterways and shore lines in the
southern part of Lakewood, Colorado. At least 108 Scouts and Scouters collected a grand total of 488 pounds of trash from the Bear Creek Open space areas and parks. The total estimated number of
service hours provided to the community was about 522 hours. The troops that participated were T537, T1776, T686, T548, T748, T613, T140, T2176, T21, T600.

Here’s the breakdown of trash/liter collected:
Break down of trash collections in specific areas.
Bear Creek Lake Park - 114 pounds
Bear Creek Green belt from Fox Hollow GC to Wadsworth – 45 pounds
Bear Creek from Wadsworth to Lowell (Denver P&R) - 297 pounds
Harriman Lake (FHPR) – 32 pounds

James H. Moss, J.D.

James H. Moss, J.D.